If you are looking for a turn-key ready to go and just built Total By Verizon Location in a Prime location and advertising has begun. Radio, display ads, digital billboards. This location is across the street from Costco Business Center, Krispy Kreme, McDonalds, Ranch Market, Cricket, Little Cesars, Rent a Center, Ross, DD's Discount. A New Restaurant and Salon is opening up soon next door and also next to a busy liquor store. The store includes $92,780 worth of Fixtures/Rehab/Permits All in and $7000 worth of inventory as well. Seller Financing available with $75,000 down and $50,000 for 3 years and 8%. If you are truly looking for a great start-up opportunity with all the initial hassles handle then this is the deal for you.
If you are looking for a turn-key ready to go and just built Total By Verizon Location in a Prime location and advertising has begun. Radio, display ads, digital billboards. This location is across the street from Costco Business Center, Krispy Kreme, McDonalds, Ranch Market, Cricket, Little Cesars, Rent a Center, Ross, DD's Discount. A New Restaurant and Salon is opening up soon next door and also next to a busy liquor store. The store includes $92,780 worth of Fixtures/Rehab/Permits All in and $7000 worth of inventory as well. Seller Financing available with $75,000 down and $50,000 for 3 years and 8%. If you are truly looking for a great start-up opportunity with all the initial hassles handle then this is the deal for you.
Listing #
Listed on site
49 days